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- From: Simone Tellini <wiz@pragmanet.it>
- To: Multiple recipients of list STFax <STFax@pragmanet.it>
- Subject: fax2ps first prototype (fwd)
- Date: Fri, 11 Apr 97 14:50:01
- ==============================================================================
- Hi there,
- Here's a little program to convert STFax files into PostScript ones.
- Please note that, as the following message says, I am *NOT* responsible
- for it in any way.
- If you find any bug, please direct your bug reports to its author:
- Thomas Ganter, <thomas.ganter@evolution.org>
- BTW, I recommend you to set the stack to 8192 bytes (or more) before trying
- the program.
- Enjoy it. :)
- Bye
- Wiz
- --
- __
- __ /// Fidonet: 2:332/502.18 (Simone Tellini)
- \\\/// E-Mail: wiz@pragmanet.it
- \X// WWW: http://www.pragmanet.it/~tellini/main.html
- 'Intel Inside' is a Government Warning Requied By Law.
- ==============================================================================
- From: Thomas Ganter <Thomas.Ganter@evolution.org>
- To: Simone Tellini <wiz@pragmanet.it>
- Subject: fax2ps first prototype
- Date: Wed, 9 Apr 97 21:23:00
- ==============================================================================
- Hi Simone.
- As I told you yesterday, I finished the first working fax2ps prototype today.
- I have included it with this email. It is a very preliminary version that does
- nearly no error checking or command line parsing. But it works.
- I would like you to decide if this could be published in the mailing list for
- people having PSprinters to test the programs. If you do so, just forward this
- mail (and the attachment) to the mailing list and make clear, that you are not
- responsible for the program but me (Thomas Ganter, email:
- thomas.ganter@evolution.org). Feel free to include it in a distribution. This
- is total freeware, do whatever you want with it.
- The fax2pcl prototype will also be finished this week.
- Invocation:
- fax2ps [faxfile] [faxfile] ... >psfile
- like
- fax2ps stfax:fax_in/hurz.stf ram:foo.stf work:bar.stf >par:
- Progress information will be written to stderr, which will be the console in
- most cases.
- Of course you may redirect the output to a file instead of par: (or ser: or
- whereever the PSprinter is).
- The output that is produced is ASCII, or plaintext postscript. This means that
- lot's of data will be produced and sent to the printer. This will change in
- future versions. As soon as the postscript code is finished (see plans), I
- will translate it to binary postscript, which will be compressed, a lot
- smaller and faster to interpret for the PSprinter (but harder to debug...)
- Plans:
- Things to implement/do:
- * Command Line Parsing, Introduce Options like from/to Page, Copies
- * Include source information in fax output (perhaps a small 1 mm info vertical
- in the border like faxfile, sender, pagenumber, date and time?)
- * Option to print several pages onto one sheet of paper, meaning to split the
- paper in two, four, 16 sections. This is hard to do using classic
- printer.device output, but really easy when programming postscript.
- * Perhaps a GUI to individually select what pages to print from which file?
- * Notification. Meaning fax2ps sleeps until new files show up in STFAX:fax_in/
- and/or STFAX:Fax_out/ and then prints them automatically.
- * Writing a documentation.
- Things to check:
- * How is the programm reacting in low memory conditions?
- * What happens if no faxfile but another IFF file is given?
- * What happens in case of corrupt FAX files?
- --
- - Thomas